Score tracking for tournaments, leagues, clubs and more.
KeepaScore Brackets
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KeepaScore Brackets

Player Registrations

KeepaScore does not currently provide any registration features within the app itself. This does not, however, mean you can't find free or low-cost solutions for gathering your player registrations. There are, of course, many paid solutions and websites out there.

Google Forms

One of the easiest, and free, ways to collect player registrations is to use a Google Form. Although this won't support collecting or managing fees or allow for player updates. It is an easy method of collecting the data you'll need for a successful tournament. We've created a Google Form (which can collect its captured data into a Google Sheet) that you can copy. You can capture the spreadsheet data easily into KeepaScore using our convenient importing option.

Click here to see an example Google Tournament Form.

Want a copy of the above form? We'll save you the time of creating your own. You can copy the form and modify it to fit your needs. Send us an email at

IMPORTANT: You'll be saving a copy of this form to your own Google account and you'll need to turn on data capture to save it into a Google Sheet.


The WordPress content management software is a very popular content management system. Many hosting providers will let you create a WordPress site. There are many enhancement modules which can help you with managing your players. WordPress can then export your data which can be imported into KeepaScore.

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